This Is My Brave – 2nd Performance

I couldn’t save Rob, but Rob saved me…

Last night I had the honor of standing in front of my family, my friends and my community in This Is My Brave, Inc. I shared my story of how I was able to reclaim my life through pain and loss.

On the stage with me were eleven other Brave people who were vulnerable enough to share their stories, in hopes of helping others.

One of my dearest friends, Tim Webber, stood on the stage with me and shared his story. Tim, it is no coincidence that we stood on the stage together last night and shared our stories in the same place we first met each other. I had no idea, at the time, that you would lead me through my journey of grief and teach me grace through helping others. You have helped me to get my life back, and I would not be where I am today without you. I thank my beautiful Rob for you.

Thank you to everyone who came out last night, and thank you to everyone who played a part in making last night a success.