Sharing my story of hope…


Thank you for coming to Reclaiming My Life yesterday afternoon. It is so important to bring awareness and attention to the disease of addiction. You did this by allowing the women to share their stories in a safe place that they call home. I am so proud of these women, and they give me so much more than I could ever give to them.

It has been a while since I have shared the day that Rob died. While trying desperately to hold back my tears, I replayed every detail of that day. I really thought that my life was over the day that Robert was taken from me. In a split second, I could no longer see tomorrows. Yet, here I was, sitting in Rob’s house, sharing my story of hope, survival and reclaiming of my life.

Although my drive back home was emotional, I was able to reflect on how far I have come since September 14, 2014. I am so blessed to be able take my pain and turn it into something beautiful that helps other people.

Life is full of gifts if we are open enough to receive them.

Thank you, Mike for thinking of me for this story.

For You, Because of You and In Memory of You

Sarah, Shannon, Kristina, Missy, Andi
TRT World