A message from Donna Oriani Sambula…

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I am committing to lift up one person up each day and share why they are special to me. To spread some love and gratitude instead of all the hate and negativity we see too much of on Facebook. So today God placed my husband’s cousin in law, Tammy Lofink on my heart! If you know Tammy, comment below why she is special to YOU. This is her day so let’s make her feel the love from all of us ❤️ ❤️

I met Tammy when my husband and I first got married almost 40 years ago. You know when you meet someone the first time and you just know they are a good person? Well that is what I instantly felt when I met Tammy. We just connected and we just “fit” into each other’s lives. She is not one to be too proud to call and ask for advice about raising kids. You see I had mine first so we compared a lot of notes. She is always one to compliment you when compliment is deserved. Tammy is that person that is honest and true and has a heart of gold. This woman is probably one of the strongest women I ever met.

You see Tammy was faced with a mother’s worst nightmare. She lost her sweet boy, Rob, at the age of 19 in 2014 to a drug overdose. That was the day her world came crashing down around her. I can never imagine what that would feel like. But I do know my heart breaks for her everyday and I will love and support her on every good or bad day she is having. When faced with such tragedy, that could either break you or make you take your pain and turn it into something good. And that is exactly what Tammy did. Was it hard, hell yes! Are there still struggles, absolutely! But this woman takes each day she is faced with and helps families, moms and dads that are dealing with addiction in their children. She started a non profit called Rising Above Addiction (you can look it up and get details on what it’s all about) and is bringing awareness, support and financial assistance in ​an effort to save our youth and young adults. I am so proud of this woman for what she is doing. To see where life has taken her since Rob died. When she first started this she didn’t know where it would take her, but she knew she didn’t want any parent to be faced with the pain her family is going through. She will say she is doing this for Rob, because of Rob, and in memory of Rob.

We can all learn from Tammy. How to be a good person, be strong through pain, transparent, loyal and loving, and take what God has put in your path and make good of all things. And in the end, giving all glory to God!

Tammy, you hold a very special place in my heart. And today God placed you on my heart to let you know how special you really are. I love you so much ❤️