2020’s 4th Annual Robert D. Kirkland Memorial Golf Classic

On behalf of Rising Above Addiction and Carroll County Adult Drug Treatment Court, we would like to thank everyone who came out to support our cause and participate in the 4th Annual Robert D Kirkland Memorial Golf Classic at Westminster National Golf Course.

Special THANKS to:
  • Judge Hecker for coming out to speak and for staying to play. Your commitment to our county is incredible!
  • Joe Keen for speaking about drug court. You are an example of how great life can be in recovery.
  • Alyssa du Biel for speaking about Rising Above Addiction. I love you, and you continue to show everyone how beautiful Recovery looks.
  • Hoffa Beans for bringing the delicious coffee!
Yesterday was perfect! It is always a great day when we get to help spread the awareness of recovery. Let’s keep showing people that we can rise above all our demons and move forward, let’s show those who no longer have any hope of a better life, that we can recover. Recovery is not easy but it’s absolutely worth it. There are so many resources available for anyone who is ready to change their life – please reach out if you are ready for help or even just curious.